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Thanks for joining me here. I'm still a novice painter and have a lot to learn about creating geometric patterns. I'm focusing on the path to continue to learn and grow, and feel so inspired by this process. A chosen pattern usually just appears as interesting and something I want to study. Sometimes it even manifests by itself. Taking online classes or watching videos is also a great way to learn how to construct a pattern. I often study architecture in books and explore on my own in a more intuitive way.

I love deconstructing a pattern to find the simpler tessellated pattern hiding underneath the complexity.

Hopefully you feel inspired to create geometric art.

Artwork: Text


This section provides information about some of my favorite explorations in geometric artwork.

Artwork: Text

Teal Connection

This 10-fold pattern was drawn many times and in many different colors. I created this pattern more than any other pattern. It became a quiet form of practice meditation.

Artwork: Image

The Twins

These two pieces were worked on simultaneously and they evolved together. One is a 10-fold pattern and the other is a 12-fold pattern. They both created a sense of connectedness to conscious well-being.

Artwork: Image

Looking Inward, then Outward

This was my first time creating a stencil and tessellating it. The underlying grid is a triangle that tessellated to create a 10-fold pattern. The pattern first became a window and then the radiant eye emerged one morning when I was looking at it trying to understand its identity. I used plastic sheeting to create the stencil.

Artwork: Welcome

Flaming petals

This was a fun exercise in practicing fluid non-linear motion.

Artwork: About


Exploring Morrocan patterns in a study trip to Marrakech for a week in 2023.

Artwork: About

Jagged Rumi Star

This was a difficult reconstruction of a pattern I found online and then tried to make myself. It's watercolor and felt tip pen.

Artwork: Image

6-fold magic

This is an exploration in texture. I used a combination of watercolor and Pearl Ex pigments to see what the effect would look like.

Artwork: Image
Artwork: Image

A birthday present for my sister

This was the biggest piece I had made by then. It's 12-fold rosettes tessellated with a combination of 4-fold and 3-fold linking shapes. The painting is in watercolor.

Artwork: Image

Gouache and gold leaf

This painting was difficult because it needed to be a lot bigger for the detail. It was also my first time using gold leaf.  I found that pattern by taking an online class with Art of Islamic Pattern.


Fertility painting in Pearl Ex pigments

This was my first biomorphic painting after taking a class with Art of Islamic Pattern. For anyone that has gone through the process of getting pregnant, it can be stressful. There was a lot of that energy in my life at the time, especially worry, and this felt like it could somehow bring in good energy.

Artwork: Welcome

Blue is where teal meets maroon

This started off as a practice exercise but I liked the shape. It's a subform for a large combination of 3-fold and 4-fold shapes. This is how four 12-fold patterns can tesselate together with a 3-fold shape joining them. This is painted in watercolor on tea stained paper.

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I was playing with saturating the space with water and then adding the watercolor paints. This is painted in watercolor.

Artwork: Welcome

Nasrid birds of the Alhambra

I visited the Alhambra last year just to see the tile work in person and then I recreated these birds based on those pictures. This is painted in watercolor.

Artwork: About
Artwork: Welcome

Large 6-fold on tessellated 6-fold patterns

I was experimenting with applying scale to add a 6-pointed start on top of two tessellated 6-fold patterns. It's painted in Pearl Ex pigments.



This gallery shows finished artwork. I like to have a policy that if I sign it then I cannot change it. Otherwise, you can get in a mode of continuous edits.

Artwork: Portfolio


This section shares the artistic experience in action.

Artwork: Text

Biomorph in a rosette

This is a practice in adding a biomorphic design inside the space within a stronger geometric pattern.

Artwork: Video

10-fold conciousness

This is an experiment with 10-fold patterns. I was learning a lot about large language models at work, so this influenced the painting to become a connected network.

Artwork: Video
Artwork: Video

Cathedral window

This started off as a cathedral window and morphed into something of its own being.

Rumi star

This was an exercise in deconstructing a pattern and then remaking it. It's a tessellated 10-fold recursive star pattern.

Artwork: Video
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